Tell Your Story

Tell us about an experience of care in Alberta within the last 3 years.

Your story might be about you, or someone close to you. You can say what happened, what was good, and what could have been better.

You can use words, or pictures, or both, to help you tell your story. It might take 5 or 10 minutes.

What happens to your story?

We read your story and show it on this web site if we can. (Sometimes we can't.)

We ask for your email so we can let you know when we publish your story. But we never share your confidential information with anyone else. (Privacy notice)

We also email health or care staff who need to see your story. Often, they will reply to you here. If they do, we let you know.

Learn more about consent.

We are accepting and publishing all stories of health and care service in Alberta within the last 3 years.

At this time we cannot accept any stories from outside of Alberta.