Invitation links


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The simplest way to invite people to share their experiences on the Care Opinion Canada website is just to provide a link to this site.

Another way is to make an "invitation link", and provide that instead. Here is some information on making invitation links from our Care Opinion UK partner:


What does an invitation link do?

An invitation link allows you to

  • customise various aspects of our story-telling workflow
  • easily access widget codes, kiosk links or QR codes to share with patients
  • keep track of which stories came via which invitation links

Customising the story-telling workflow

Anyone can share a story about any service with our "standard workflow", accessible from the Tell your story tab on every page.

With an invitation link you can customise this workflow, or direct people to the "kiosk workflow". Your invitation link can:

  • begin with a welcome and a "feedback focus" request
  • add the Monkey theme to the workflow
  • make sure a specific health/care service is pre-selected
  • add specific tags to new stories
  • after a story is told, invite the author to visit your own survey or consultation tool

A picture of what an invitation link can do

In the picture below, the blue boxes show the standard "tell your story" workflow.

The orange boxes show the shorter "kiosk" workflow.

An invitation link can customise either workflow to help you when you are inviting feedback. This is shown by the grey boxes.

An invitation link allows you to customise Care Opinion

Next steps

To get started, you need to create your invitation link.

Then share the link with your patients, service users or carers in whatever way makes the most sense.

Once some stories have been shared, you can search, report on or visualise them however you like.
