Before you start, you may want to read about service pages.
Go to your service page
Begin by going to the service page you want to customize. We recommend you start with your "top level" service page, such as your Primary Care Network, Hospital or organization. This will allow descendant services to inherit any changes.
To reach a service page to edit, go to the my subscriptions page and click on "custom service pages" panel.
If you don't see an option to Customize your service, you may not have access to custom page editing.
Understanding the service page in edit view
In edit view, the top half of your service page will look like this. This example below is from Calgary Foothills PCN:
There are four areas where you can add custom content including a description, an image, and an additional link with label. To add content to any of these, click the area.
The lower half of the page shows which other (descendant) services will be affected by your edit. To begin with, it will look something like this:
Each line in the table is a descendant service (here, a Primary Care Network, and then the programs within it).
The first row shows the program you are about to edit. When you first begin, you may notice no custom content (description, resource, image) has yet been set.
The rows below that show that each program will "inherit" its content from the organizations main page.
In the example above, Calgary Foothill Primary Care has added a description and photo. The description and photos are now be inherited by programs like Access 365.
What if you want a different image for a descendant service?
To do this, click the name of the service in the table you want to edit.
The service will open in edit view, just as the parent service.
You can see that that in this example Access 365 inherited the Calgary Foothills PCN picture. However, you can now customize this descendant page just like the parent page was customized.