Governance, managing risk and comms


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A Care Opinion Canada subscription will support and provide important intelligence for your risk, safety and comms strategies

Key points 

  • Care Opinion Canada can be integrated with other engagement strategies through the range of functionality on the site including the API and suite of reports: Accessing Care Opinion data
  • Provider staff are set up with the right alerts to monitor stories relevant to risk and governance.  Care Opinion Canada stories are rated for criticality so staff can filter for safety and risk issues. 
  • Amongst our subscribers, the staff responsible for Risk, Governance, and Safety are set up with alerts and reports to time with monthly meetings. 
  • Stories are a great resource for social media and communications. 
  • If your service is based anywhere in Alberta and you are interested in finding out more about a subscription, then email the address below, and we will direct you to the right member of the Care Opinion team: