Assisting people with sharing their stories


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Sharing Stories

So that sharing feedback is easy and accessible to everyone, there are a few different ways that people can share their story on Care Opinion Canada. The different options are:

Submitting Story Directly to the Care Opinion Website

This is the most common way that people share their story.  People should simply go to then click “Tell your story” and follow the simple steps. Staff members/volunteers are able to support someone through this process, and the following steps in this resource pack will explain and give instructions for this process.

Phoning Care Opinion

For anyone who is unable to share their story via the website, they can phone the Care Opinion Canada team. A member of the team will take the person’s story whilst on the phone, and then submit the story to Care Opinion Canada on their behalf. The number to call is 1-844-215-5511.

The following sections on this page will detail advice and instructions to support people to share their story.

How to take Stories: Information and Advice

This section will take you through the process of supporting someone to share their feedback.

There are two ways to support someone to share their story on Care Opinion Canada:

  1. By sitting with the person at a computer or with an iPad & supporting them through the process to submit their story directly to the Care Opinion Canada website.
  2. If you do not have internet access, you can take notes using the “Taking a story form” (which can be found as a downloadable template here) whilst you are sitting with the story teller, before then submitting the story to Care Opinion Canada on their behalf (once you do have internet access.)

Before you begin

It’s important to consider and prepare for the following three aspects before starting to collect feedback…


You may be in a hospital, an office or a waiting room. It’s important that the story teller and yourself feel comfortable, both with the conversation and the environment. So, it’s helpful to find a quiet, safe space, where the story teller can talk openly and in confidence. You’ll be taking feedback using the “Taking a story form”  or with an iPad/computer, so you may want to find somewhere comfortable to sit too.


Always introduce yourself and explain your role. Explain that you are collecting feedback about the health or social care organization that you are working with. Explain that the feedback is important to the service, the staff that work there and  regulators. These groups of people will be able to read this anonymous feedback on the Care Opinion Canada website in order to monitor and improve care.


Explain what Care Opinion Canada is. For this, you may find it helpful to have the FAQ page with you. You should explain that Care Opinion Canada is an independent, public website, that makes it safe and simple for people to share honest, anonymous feedback about their care. Care Opinion Canada supports health and social care services to learn from feedback and give patients and service users a voice. Care Opinion Canada sends the feedback to the service and invites the service to respond to people’s stories publicly, to learn from feedback and improve services for everyone.

Using the system: It is important that when entering a story on behalf of someone else using your own login to Care Opinion Canada that you use the option "a staff member posting for a patient/service user" option (see below) and ensure that the wording is as if it was being written by the patient/service user themselves.

We also have a step by step conversation guide you may find useful here;

Step by Step Conversation guide
