I was in critical condition after having my daughter in May 2024. I was finally dragged myself to the hospital on May 30th which started my crazy journey. From the ER, to the ICU, the neuro team, internal med, ED teams, porters, OBGYN, unit 84 and 74, they literally all saved my life.
I didn’t know I was so close to dying, and even though they told me, they made me feel so comfortable and cared for and did everything and anything to save my life. To get me home to my daughters. Dr Richard Novick was a blessing to have watch over me. He never rushed a round, always pulled my husband aside to update - especially after my emergency surgery and I was intubated.
ICU Nurses were amazing. I didn’t catch all their names, but Lindsay, Micah and Rhonda, Ashley, Alyssa, Danielle, I got your names before I faded. Thank you, thank you for everything. Micah, Lindsay, you know personally how much love I have for both of you. You were my entry and exit ICU nurse and there’s a special place in my heart for both of you and care you both gave me and my family. Even if it was an extra ice cube sneak laughed so hard with me at. Thank you for being there when I woke up. Thank you for always making sure my husbands shirt was on me, even when I was intubated and completely unconscious.
My OBGYN team, Resident Shannon Fitzpatrick, Resident Rebecca Carrigan, MD Matt Grossi (and I know I’m missing one and I’m so sorry I missed writing it) - I love you and thank you for hands down saving my life. I know I was so sick. I know that surgery was bad, I was in bad condition. But thank you for saving me. Thank you for saving my daughter’s mom. Thank you for holding my hand during the paps in ICU. Thank you, Shannon, for personally taking each staple out and drain and running down to discharge me. Your love and care did not go unnoticed. I know this is your job, but you do it so amazingly well. Thank you, Dr Grossi for being on call and coming running with your amazing staff. Truly. I wouldn’t be here without you as a team and that itself, is just a gift I can’t ever repay you for.
To the entire diagnostic team - CT & Ultrasound, thank you. When I couldn’t move, you always moved me onto the beds for ct with grace and never ever hurt me. I missed getting the gentleman’s face but I saw you all the time. I thank you for your comfort when I was in CT so many times. You all made it less scary and just such an amazing team. All ultrasounds that came to me in ICU were just so kind. You all are so great. As well as the ultrasound team who put my back tube in, I was so scared and she was so so so kind and made sure I was comfortable. That whole team knew I was in a bad state and just worked so fast and effective and was done so fast. Thank you for doing that procedure on me.
Units 84 + 74 were my recovery floors. When I had my back tube, the nurses advocated so hard for in me 74 to get more pain meds and didn’t stop until I was comfortable. Kylie, and I forgot my night nurses names and one of the charge nurses on my discharge, but I hope you remember me by this story. Thank you for letting me cry on my hard days and not judging me on my bad days. Your care and having an ear to fall on was so appreciated. Thank you for making sure I was comfortable.
84 unit, thank you for holding me while I cried after not seeing the sun for a week in ICU. Thank you for giving me some dignity when I couldn’t even go to the bathroom alone. When I almost fell, the nurse had almost the same heart attack I did. I know how busy the units are but you never made me feel alone. Both you and 74. Thank you for being such a key in my recovery and giving so much love to me.
To the porters, you guys are the best. Thank you for always making sure I was warm, had an ear to talk to on the way and was always kind. You guys make the hospital literally a whole working factory. Thank you.
To all the people who I had the pleasure of meeting in the ER, the first time and the readmitting, I know we recognized each other and you all made me so comfortable. ER unit C + B ❤️
I extend my thanks to the Lung department too, Dr James Vallerand and that whole team in Internal Medicine was amazing. I was so scared and in pain with that back tube and he made sure the orders for pain meds were followed and I was comfortable - even down to the removal.
Thank you to everyone for this and I hope it finds you. I will keep sharing my thanks until it does.
Thank you so much for saving my life.
Thank you.
"Rockyview Hospital saved my life"
About: Rockyview General Hospital / Diagnostic Imaging Rockyview General Hospital Diagnostic Imaging T2V 1P9 Rockyview General Hospital / Emergency Rockyview General Hospital Emergency T2V 1P9 Rockyview General Hospital / Intensive Care (ICU) Rockyview General Hospital Intensive Care (ICU) T2V 1P9 Rockyview General Hospital / Surgical Rockyview General Hospital Surgical T2V 1P9
Posted by KimberleyS (as ),
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